Mercedes S-Class W-220

since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

W220 Mercedes
+ Mercedes-Benz Cars of a class S (W220)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ cooling and heating Systems
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
- Automatic transmission
   Problems of the block of electronic control and operating signals
   Search of malfunctions - the general information
   Removal and AT installation with the hydrotransformer
   The AT electrohydraulic control unit (AT is established)
   Dismantling and assembly of the electrohydraulic control unit
   Dismantling and assembly of a plate of gear shifting
   Case of transmission and hydrotransformer
   Multidisk brakes В2, VZ and a blocking gear wheel at "Parking"
   Dismantling and assembly of a back hollow shaft with the back coupling of a free wheeling
   Removal and installation of multidisk brake В1 and oil pump
   Dismantling and assembly of the oil pump
   Dismantling and assembly of multidisk brake В1
   Dismantling and assembly of multidisk brake В2
   Dismantling and assembly of a target shaft with the central and back block of planetary gear wheels
   Removal and installation of multidisk couplings К1, К2 and К3
   Dismantling and assembly of coupling К1
   Dismantling and assembly of a leading shaft with coupling К2 and the forward block of planetary gear wheels
   Dismantling and assembly of coupling К3
   The blocking mechanism at "parking"
   Removal and installation of the lever of the selector of gear shifting
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ electric equipment Cхемы

Dismantling and assembly of multidisk brake В1

6b — the External support of brake В1
6с — the Piston
6d — the Return disk spring of the piston
6f — the Disk spring of the block of disks

6g — the Block of gear wheels
6е, 6h — Lock rings
073 — the Stripper
And — the Oil channel of brake В1

Cut of brake В1

6b — the External support of brake В1
6с — the Piston
6f — the Disk spring
6h — the Lock ring
69 — Frictional disks

70а — the External disk in thickness of 1.8 mm
70b — the External disk in thickness of 3.5 mm / a new disk of 2.8 mm
70с — the External disk in thickness of 4.0 mm
«L» — the Gap



1. Remove a lock ring 6h.
2. Remove the block of disks 6g and a disk spring 6f from an external support.
3. Establish a stripper 073 on a disk spring 6d and compress it until the groove for a lock ring will not be released.
4. Remove a lock ring 6е.
5. Remove the piston 6с from an external support, carefully submitting air to an opening And.



1. Establish the piston 6с on an external support.
2. Establish a disk spring 6d
3. Establish a stripper 073 on a disk spring 6d and compress it until the lock ring 6е will not be established in a groove.
4. Insert a lock ring 6е.
5. Insert a disk spring 6f and the block of disks 6g on an external support and measure a gap of L. Insert disks of brake В1 together in an order presented on an illustration, and establish them in turn.

6. Establish a press 078 on an external disk 70с.

7. Compress the block of disks against the stop (while the otmetochny ring will not be visible) (a small arrow).
8. Measure a gap of "L" between a lock ring 6h and an external disk 70с in three points. The size of gaps in multidisk brake В1 is specified in the table.

9. Adjust a gap a lock ring 6h if it is necessary.

Thickness of a lock ring: 2.6, 2.9, 3.2, 3.5, 3.8 and 4.1 mm.
10. Establish a lock ring 6h.
