Mercedes S-Class W-220

since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

W220 Mercedes
+ Mercedes-Benz Cars of a class S (W220)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ cooling and heating Systems
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ Automatic transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   Security measures
   + Forward suspension bracket
   + Back suspension bracket
   - Steering
      Corners of installation of wheels of the car - the general information
      Conditions of check of corners of installation of wheels
      Adjustment of forward wheels
      Adjustment of back wheels
      Check of a road clearance of a body of the car
      Removal and installation of the steering mechanism
      Pump of the amplifier of a steering
      Dismantling and assembly of the pump of the amplifier of a steering
      Dismantling and assembly of an electronic and adjustable steering column
      Removal and installation of the bottom steering shaft
      Removal and drive installation for telescopic adjustment of a steering column
      Removal and installation of an emphasis of a pipe
      Dismantling and assembly of an internal pipe
      Installation of the top arm of fastening of a pipe
      Removal and installation of the blocking cylinder
      Contact spring
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ electric equipment Cхемы

Adjustment of back wheels

Adjustment of a convergence of back wheels

The model with AIRMATIC is shown
Eccentric rubber plug
60 — Steering draft
60a — the Bolt
60b — the Rubber plug

+X = +1.5 mm
– X =–1.5 mm
60c — the Rubber plug

Adjustment of a convergence of back wheels – is made by means of the clown

The convergence of back wheels is given in Specifications.

The convergence of back wheels is regulated by ekstsentrikovy bolts 60а on the left and right drafts 60 on a support of a back suspension bracket 50.
