Mercedes S-Class W-220

since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

W220 Mercedes
+ Mercedes-Benz Cars of a class S (W220)
- Operation manual
   Main bodies and management/control panels
   Locks, keys and locks. Smart card. Uniform lock
   Protection against theft
   Assistance to landing and exit from the car
   Safety systems
   Steering wheel, rear-view mirrors
   Memory of provision of a seat
   Control panel
   Multipurpose steering wheel, multiinformation display
   Automatic conditioner of air. Ventilation. Independent heater
   Window regulators, roof hatch
   Salon equipment
   Driving and auxiliary systems
   Precautionary and control lamps, and also messages of the multiinformation display on the registered malfunctions
   The first-aid kit, the fire extinguisher, sign of an emergency stop also cut for a spare wheel
   Features of traffic regulations of the countries of Europe
   Messages and inscriptions in foreign languages
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ cooling and heating Systems
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ Automatic transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ electric equipment Cхемы

shop escort


Adjustment of provision of forward seats

There is a danger of a travmirovaniye!

Positions of a body when sitting at which the correct prileganiye of seat belts is broken, aggravates risk factors and consequently they should be avoided.

It is necessary to establish a back almost vertically. The back should adjoin to a back, and a seat belt - to a humeral zone.

Head restraint establish so that the nape found on it an emphasis approximately at level of eyes.

At adjustment of provision of seats watch that nobody was jammed.

As well at a short-term exit from the car take out an electronic key from the lock of ignition or take with itself a smart card.

Adjustment of provision of sitting is however possible and at one open door.

Therefore do not leave children in the car without supervision.

There is a danger of failure!

For reasons of safety it is impossible to change the provision of a seat during movement.

Electronic key in the lock of ignition turn in situation 1 or 2.

At an open door of the driver adjustment of provision of a seat of the driver can be made at the inserted electronic key.

Adjustment of provision of a seat of the forward passenger can be made also at one open door.

If adjustment of provision of a seat is made from situation for lying or from far removed situation, watch that back cosmetic mirrors were closed.

Switches are in forward doors.

We recommend to make the main adjustment as follows:

1 Longitudinal moving of a seat

Translate the switch in the arrow direction before convenient achievement of a pedal of an accelerator.

If in a safety grid for luggage in space for feet of the passenger there are subjects, a seat of the forward passenger do not rearrange forward completely - subjects of luggage can be damaged.

2 Press the button E

The car with memory function

Hold the button E pressed until all adjustments of situation will be executed.

It is a step will facilitate to you adjustment of provision of seats. All other provisions of seats, mirrors (a seat of the driver) and a steering wheel (a seat of the driver) are established automatically depending on the established longitudinal provision of a seat. After that it is necessary to execute it only exact adjustment as it is described below. External rear-view mirrors, an internal rear-view mirror and a steering wheel are described in the Section the Steering wheel, rear-view mirrors.

Seat height

Translate the switch behind in the arrow direction until the highest situation at preservation of rather free space over the head will be reached.

Seat inclination

Translate the switch in front in the arrow direction before achievement of the situation providing easy support of hips.

Back inclination

Translate the switch forward or back until the hands lying on a steering wheel, will not be slightly bent in elbows.

Contour of a pillow of a seat

Translate the switch forward or back before achievement of the situation providing easy support of hips.

Height of head restraints

The height of head restraints is automatically established at adjustment of provision of seats so that the nape found an emphasis on a head restraint approximately at level of eyes. If this situation is not reached automatically, adjust a head restraint by means of the switch.

Inclination of a head restraint-1-adjust manually. Pull or press a head restraint in front.

(Record in memory of provision of a seat — address to the Section Memory of provision of a seat).

Removal and installation of head restraints of a seat of the driver and seat of the forward passenger

There is a danger of a travmirovaniye!

Move only with the established head restraints.

For simplification of removal and head restraint installation slightly incline a seat back.


The switch-1-move up until the head restraint will not be put forward completely. Extend a head restraint.


Move the switch-1-up approximately for 5 seconds.

Head restraint press down to fixing.

Lumbar support

Regulators are sideways in front on a seat of the driver and a seat of the forward passenger and sideways on back seats.

For support of a backbone it is possible to adjust camber of a back.

Electronic key in the lock of ignition turn in situation 2.

Regulator - 1-establish camber of a back between situation 0 and 5.

Multiplanimetric back of a seat

Seat of the driver and seat of the forward passenger:

The switch is sideways in front on a seat.

For support of a backbone individual installation of a contour of a back is possible.

Electronic key in the lock of ignition turn in situation 2.

Back seats

The switch is sideways on a seat.

It is recommended to make base installation in the following sequence:

1 Camber of a back in a waist zone
2 Camber of a back in a back zone (only a seat of the driver and a seat of the forward passenger)

Switches 1 and 2:

The switch press from above and hold pressed, separate airbags are consistently inflated from top to down. At achievement of demanded situation the switch release.

The switch press below and hold pressed, separate airbags are consistently inflated from below up. At achievement of demanded situation the switch release.

3 Lateral parts of a back

The button press to the right or to the left, lateral support amplifies or weakened. Lateral parts of a back of a seat establish so that good lateral support was provided.

4 Dynamic function (PULSE)

In order to avoid constant tension of muscles during a long trip the multiplanimetric back of a seat is supplied with dynamic function.

Thus the mumpish airbag in a back is rhythmically inflated and then dumps pressure.

At the included dynamic function the control light-emitting diode on the switch burns. Approximately in 5 minutes dynamic function is automatically switched off.

If надута the most top airbag, is inflated an average airbag, and pressure is dumped.

Heating of seats

Electronic key in the lock of ignition turn in situation 1 or 2.

Notes: At inclusion of too large number of consumers of the electric power or an insufficient zaryazhennost of the storage battery the heating system of seats can be disconnected. In this case blinks one or both control light-emitting diodes.

At restoration of sufficient tension the heating system of seats joins automatically.

Buttons are on the corresponding door.

Models without ventilation of seats

Press the button-1-.

The red control light-emitting diode over the button burns. Mode of normal heating.

In about 30 minutes the heating system of seats is automatically switched off.

Press the button-2-:

Both red control light-emitting diodes over the button burn. Mode of the maximum heating.

In about 5 minutes automatic switching on a normal mode of heating is made.

The button-1-or-2-press once again:

Any control light-emitting diode does not burn.

The heating system of seats is switched off.

Buttons are on the corresponding door.

Models with ventilation of seats

Press the button-3-.

Both red control light-emitting diodes over the button burn. Mode of the maximum heating.

In about 5 minutes automatic switching on a normal mode of heating is made.

The button-3-press once again:

The red control light-emitting diode over the button burns. Mode of normal heating.

In about 30 minutes the heating system of seats is automatically switched off.

The button press once again:

Any control light-emitting diode does not burn.

The heating system of seats is switched off.

Ventilation of seats

Buttons are on the corresponding door.

Ventilation of seats can be activated manually or opening system in summertime of year (a seat of the driver) (Undressed Locks, keys and locks. Smart card. Uniform lock).

If the system of ventilation of seats is activated by opening system in summertime of year, the maximum step of ventilation is automatically established.

Activation manually

Electronic key in the lock of ignition turn in situation 1 or 2.

Press the button-1-.

Light up 3 dark blue control light-emitting diodes over the button. Mode of the maximum ventilation (step 3).

Approximately each 10 minutes automatic switching on lower step of ventilation is made.

The button-1-press once again:

Light up 2 dark blue control light-emitting diodes over the button. Average step of ventilation (step 2).

The button-1-press once again:

One dark blue control light-emitting diode over the button burns. Mode of the lowest step of ventilation (step 1).

The button-1-press once again:

Any control light-emitting diode does not burn.

The system of ventilation of seats is switched off.

At inclusion of too large number of consumers of the electric power or an insufficient zaryazhennost of the storage battery the system of ventilation of seats can be disconnected. In this case blinks one or several control light-emitting diodes.

At restoration of sufficient tension the heating system of back glass joins automatically.

Head restraints of back seats

The switch is on the average console.

There is a danger of a travmirovaniye!

If back seats are occupied, move only with the established head restraints. Thereby the risk of receiving traumas is reduced by back passengers at failure.

Electronic key in the lock of ignition turn in situation 1 or 2.


Quickly press the switch a symbol.

Installation up

Cast away a head restraint manually up before fixing.


The inclination can be regulated manually.

Pull or press a head restraint in front.

Head restraints of back seats (automatic)

There is a danger of a travmirovaniye!

If back sitting are occupied, move only with the established head restraints. Thereby the risk of receiving traumas is reduced by back passengers at failure.

In cars with 3 places for a seat behind the average head restraint cannot automatically be established. Manually cast away it up before fixing.

At a busy seat (a belt in the belt lock) head restraints of both extreme seats are established automatically.

Watch that process of movement of head restraints was not interfered by subjects (for example, clothes).

The switch is located on the average console.

Electronic key in the lock of ignition turn in situation 1 or 2.

Press the switch:

1 Otkidyvaniye back
2 Installation up:

Both extreme head restraints are established or lean back together. In the presence of the 3rd head restraints in a back part of salon the average head restraint also leans back.

Switches are on the corresponding back door.

1 Installation up
2 Otkidyvaniyes back

The corresponding extreme head restraint can be established up or lean back back.

The inclination of a head restraint can be regulated manually. Pull or press a head restraint in front.

Adjustment of provision of back seats

There is a danger of a travmirovaniye!

Positions of a body when sitting at which the correct prileganiye of seat belts is broken, aggravate risk factors and consequently they should be avoided.

It is necessary to establish a back almost vertically. The back should adjoin to a back, and a seat belt — to a humeral zone.

As well at a short-term exit from the car take out an electronic key from the lock of ignition or take with itself a smart card.

Adjustment of provision of a seat is however possible and at one open door. Therefore do not leave children in the car without supervision.

Electronic key in the lock of ignition turn in situation 1 or 2 (and if one of doors, as well is open at the taken-out electronic key or at the provision of a key 0).

Models with a many-placed back seat

Switches are on the corresponding back door.

1 Longitudinal moving

Press the switch forward or back. Thus the back inclination is at the same time regulated.

2 Height of head restraints

The switch pull up or press down. The head restraint is established up or leans back back.

Models with separate back seats

Switches are on the corresponding back door.

1 Longitudinal moving

The switch press forward or back.

Thus the back inclination is at the same time regulated.

2 Inclination of a pillow of a seat

The switch pull up or press down.

3 Head restraint

The switch pull up or press down.

Adjustment of provision of a seat of the forward passenger from a back part of salon

The switch is on the right back door.

Electronic key in the lock of ignition turn in situation 1 or 2.

Press the button-1-, adjust the provision of a seat of the forward passenger:

3 Longitudinal moving
4 Inclination of a back
5 Lowering of a head restraint down
6 Height of a seat

Adjustment of provision of a back seat

Press the button-2-and adjust the provision of a back seat:

Address to the above-stated materials of this Section.

If in a safety grid for luggage in space for feet of the forward passenger there are subjects, a seat of the forward passenger do not rearrange forward completely — subjects of luggage can be damaged.
