Mercedes S-Class W-220

since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

W220 Mercedes
+ Mercedes-Benz Cars of a class S (W220)
- Operation manual
   Main bodies and management/control panels
   Locks, keys and locks. Smart card. Uniform lock
   Protection against theft
   Assistance to landing and exit from the car
   Safety systems
   Steering wheel, rear-view mirrors
   Memory of provision of a seat
   Control panel
   Multipurpose steering wheel, multiinformation display
   Automatic conditioner of air. Ventilation. Independent heater
   Window regulators, roof hatch
   Salon equipment
   Driving and auxiliary systems
   Precautionary and control lamps, and also messages of the multiinformation display on the registered malfunctions
   The first-aid kit, the fire extinguisher, sign of an emergency stop also cut for a spare wheel
   Features of traffic regulations of the countries of Europe
   Messages and inscriptions in foreign languages
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ cooling and heating Systems
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ Automatic transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ electric equipment Cхемы

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Multipurpose steering wheel, multiinformation display

Buttons on a multipurpose steering wheel depending on a complete set of your car the call on the multiinformation display of mentioned below systems, management by them and installation of their parameters can be made:

1. Measuring instrument of run and counter of the general run

Active system of the prevention THAT (ASSYST)

Precautionary alarm lamp of level the engine - an oil foot

2. Sound systems

Radio receiver

CD player

Cassette tape recorder

3. Phone

4. Navigation system

5. Distronic (DTR) system

6. Board computer

Since start

Since dumping

Capacity of a fuel tank

7. Memory of malfunctions

8. Individual installation

The button press several times until the demanded system will be displayed.

With each new pressing of the button the following system is displayed.

In some systems additional indications can be caused by pressing of the button or.

Indications on the multiinformation display, depending on installation, are made in German, English, French, Italian or Spanish languages. (Switching on other language — address to the section «Individual installation»).

Irrespective of the established language in cars with radio receivers of systems «audio 10» or «audio 30» indications of sound systems (a radio receiver, the CD player, the cassette tape recorder), and also indications on system phone «audio 30» appear in English. Indications on system phone «audio 10» are absent.

Electronic key in the lock of ignition turn in situation 1 or 2.

Press buttons:

3 following system
4 following indication on system
5 previous indication on system
6 activations or deaktivirovany systems of voice-activated control of "Lingvatronic"
7 increase in loudness
8 reduction of loudness
9 sets of phone number, reception of arriving telephone conversation
10 completion of telephone conversation, refusal of reception of arriving telephone conversation
11 sound signal on a soft cover

The button press several times until the demanded system will be displayed.

With each new pressing of the button the following system is displayed.

In some systems additional indications can be caused by pressing of the button or.

Measuring instrument of run and the counter of the general run with subsystems

1. Measuring instrument of run and counter of the general run.

Dumping of indications of a measuring instrument of run (Section Control panel).

2. Active system of the prevention THAT (ASSYST).

3. Precautionary alarm lamp of level of impellent oil.

The button press several times until there will be an indication of a measuring instrument of run and the counter of the general run-1-.

The button or press several times until there will be a demanded indication (2, 3, 1).

The pressing of the button displays the following system.

Sound systems

Depending on the included sound system there is the corresponding indication on the display.

Radio receiver

  1. Any sound system is not included.
  2. The radio receiver is included.
  3. The established strip of frequencies and, if necessary, in addition number of a cell of memory.
  4. The name of the adjusted radio station or frequency of radio station.
  5. Appears only if in system «Individual installation» it was established «MEMORY» (MEMORY), instead of «FREQUENCY» (FREQUENCY).
Radio receiver inclusion

The button press several times until there will be an indication («).

The button or press several times until the demanded radio station or frequency will be displayed.

The button or the remembered radio station or frequency of radio station can get out. It depends on installation in the STATION SEARCH USING installation menu (RADIO STATION SEARCH THROUGH) (address to subsection «Individual installation»).

The pressing of the button displays the following system.

CD player

  1. Any sound system is not included.
  2. The CD player is switched on.
  3. At a CD changer number of an actual lost compact disc is displayed.
  4. Name number.
Turning on of the CD player

The button press several times until there will be an indication-2-.

The button or press several times until the demanded name of a piece of music-4-will be displayed.

The pressing of the button displays the following system.

Cassette tape recorder

1. Any sound system is not included.
2. The cassette tape recorder is switched on.
3. The lost party.

Turning on of the cassette tape recorder

The button press several times until there will be an indication-2-.

Press the button, the rewinding is made prior to the beginning of the following piece of music.

By pressing the button, rewind by the beginning of a lost piece of music is made.

The pressing of the button displays the following system.


Telephone directory

  1. Phone is switched off.
  2. PIN code input (personal identification code) SIM cards - address to the corresponding Operation manual on phone.
  3. It is prospected the corresponding telephone system
  4. Phone is ready for operation. The corresponding telephone system and the name of provider is displayed.
  5. Now the car out of a transfer or reception range.
  6. The telephone directory which is remembered on a telephone card or in phone is read out. Duration about 30 seconds.
  7. The surname chosen from the telephone directory.
  8. Number of the chosen subscriber, begins process of a set of number.
  9. Process of a set of number is finished, and the surname is displayed. Indication remains during all telephone conversation.
  10. Number of a cell of memory.

Turning on of phone

The button press several times until there will be the corresponding telephone system-4-. At emergence of indication-2-at first enter the PIN code — address to the corresponding Operation manual on phone.

Press the button or, "browsing" of the telephone directory alphabetically forward or is made back.

If the button or is pressed more than one second, accelerated "browsing" of the telephone directory is made. The surname of the chosen subscriber appears on the display.

If you decided not to call, press the button. Process interrupts, and there is an indication-4-.

Press the button if on the display-7-the surname of the demanded subscriber-7-is displayed. Phone number-8-is dialed.

If process of a set of number is finished, the surname-9-is displayed. Indication-9-remains during all telephone conversation.

Press the button, telephone conversation comes to an end, there is an indication-4-.

The pressing of the button displays the following system.

Repeated call of the subscriber

1. Phone is ready for operation. The corresponding telephone system and provider is displayed.
2. Number or a surname in memory of a repeated call of the subscriber.
3. Number in memory of a repeated call of the subscriber — was begun process of a set of number.
4. Process a set of number is finished, and the surname of the subscriber remembered in the telephone directory or dialed number if the surname of the subscriber is not remembered is displayed. Indication remains during all telephone conversation.
5. Number of a cell of memory, the last 10 typed numbers are remembered.

L0 dialed by the last number, L1 to L9, typed previous numbers

Phone is switched on

The button press several times until the provider-1-will be displayed.

Press the button, memory of a repeated call of the subscriber is activated, and the customer address gathered by the last is displayed.

Press the button or, memory of a repeated call of the subscriber "is thumbed through" forward or back. The corresponding chosen number appears on the display.

If you decided not to call, press the button. Process interrupts, and there is an indication-1-.

Press the button if on the display-2-demanded number or a surname of the demanded subscriber is displayed.

Phone number-3-is dialed.

If process of a set of number is finished, the surname-4-if the surname is remembered in the telephone directory is displayed, otherwise — phone number indication remains. Indication remains during all telephone conversation.

Press the button, telephone conversation comes to an end, there is an indication-1-.

The pressing of the button displays the following system.

Arriving call

1. «CALL» (CALL) — to you call.

Press the button and accept a call.

Press the button, conversation comes to an end, there is an indication with the corresponding telephone system.

If you do not want to accept the arrived call, press the button.

Navigation system

1. The navigation system is switched off.
2. The navigation system is included, but the purpose is not entered.
3. The navigation system is included, and purpose support is activated.

The button press several times until the demanded system will be displayed.
(Navigation system — address to the corresponding Operation manual on COMMAND system (Cockpit Management and Data System).

The pressing of the button displays the following system.

Distronic (DTR) system

1. The Distronic system is switched off. The valid distance-4-and the set distance-5-to ahead going car-3-is displayed
2. The Distronic (DTR) system is included.
3. Ahead going car. Appears only if ahead going car was identified.
4. The valid distance to ahead going car.
5. The set distance to ahead going car
6. Own car.

The button press several times until the demanded system will be displayed.
The Distronic (DTR) system is described in the Section Driving and auxiliary systems.

The pressing of the button displays the following system.

Traveling computer

1. «AFTER START (from the moment of START) — the counter of short distances.
2. «AFTER RESET» (from the moment of DUMPING) — the counter of long distances.
3. The remained stock of fuel with the indication of approximate run.
4. Run in «AFTER START» km (from the moment of START) or «AFTER RESET» (from the moment of DUMPING).
5. «AFTER START» time (from the moment of START) or «AFTER RESET» (from the moment of DUMPING).
6. The average speed calculated by "AFTER START" (from the moment of START) or «AFTER RESET» (from the moment of DUMPING).
7. The average fuel consumption calculated by "AFTER START" (from the moment of START) or «AFTER RESET» (from the moment of DUMPING).

The button press several times until there will be an indication (1, 2 or 3).

The button or press until there will be a counter of short distances of "FFTER START" (from the moment of START)-1-, the counter of long distances of "AFTER RESET" (from the moment of DUMPING)-2-or indication of a reserve of fuel-3-.

The pressing of the button displays the following system.

If the board computer is caused repeatedly, always there is chosen as the last an indication (1, 2 or 3).

Reception of parameters from the previous motion cycle in the counter of short distances of "AFTER START" (from the moment of START) blinks during distance passing about two kilometers, or within two minutes. In this phase parameters from the previous motion cycle can be adopted by button R pressing on a control panel.

Dumping of the counter of short distances of "AFTER START"-1-or counter of long distances «AFTER RESET» bolts

The button or cause the corresponding indication (1 or 2) and the button R on a control panel press until there will be a dumping on «0».

Memory of malfunctions

1. Malfunctions are absent.
2. Number of malfunctions.

The button press several times until memory of malfunctions will be displayed.

If there will be an indication-2-, press the button or. After that consecutive display of faults is made. (System of the notification and the alarm system of malfunctions — address to the Section Precautionary and control lamps, and also messages of the multiinformation display on the registered malfunctions). On termination of indication of all malfunctions again there is an indication-2-.

If malfunctions arose during movement, indication-2-appears once again if the electronic key in the lock of ignition turns in situation 0 or is taken out. In this case displays of faults appear approximately for 5 seconds.

By button R pressing on a control panel, immediately there is the following indication of malfunction.

At a povorachivaniye of an electronic key in the ignition lock in situation 1 or 2, memory of malfunctions is cleared.

If malfunctions arose repeatedly, they are again displayed in memory of malfunctions.

The pressing of the button displays the following system.

Malfunctions, damages and the alarm system of malfunctions are registered only certain systems and are displayed in the established volume. Indications of system of the notification and the alarm system of malfunctions (The section Precautionary and control lamps, and also messages of the multiinformation display on the registered malfunctions), serve only for support and do not release the driver from a duty to show integrity concerning ensuring operational reliability of the car.

Individual installation

  1. Base indication of individual installation.
  2. «SET TIME HOURS» (TIME INSTALLATION - HOURS) (only models without COMMAND system).
  3. «SET TIME MINUTES» (TIME INSTALLATION - MINUTES) (only models without COMMAND system).
  4. «AUTOMATIC DOOR LOCK» (AUTOMATIC LOCKING of DOORS) (Undressed Locks, keys and locks. Smart card. Uniform lock).
  8. STATION SEARCH USING» (SEARCH of RADIO STATIONS THROUGH) — radio receiver installation «FREQUENCY» (FREQUENCY) — the button or gets out frequency «MEMORY» (MEMORY) — the button or the remembered radio station gets out.
  9. “TEMP INDICATOR» (TEMPERATURE INDICATION) — the established value is displayed on the indicator of temperature of external air on a control panel and on the display of the automatic conditioner of air.
  10. «SPEEDOMETER» (SPEEDOMETER) — the established value is displayed on a speedometer.
  11. «TEXT» (TEXT) — installation of language of indication on the multiinformation display.
  12. «SPEED LIMIT (WINTER TYRES)» (RESTRICTION of SPEED (the TYRE WITH WINTER DRAWING of the PROTECTOR)) 2 — the constant limiter of speed (The section Driving and auxiliary systems).
  13. Dumping of the menu of installation on factory installation.
  14. Sample marking — designates the chosen installation.

On the previous block diagram factory installation for the Federal Republic Germany is given.

1 except for the countries demanding continuous inclusion of light of headlights.
2 Only for the Federal Republic Germany

The button press several times until there will be a base indication of system «Individual installation»-1-.

The button or press several times until the demanded menu of installation (from 2 to 12) will be displayed.

In the installation menu (1, 2) the pressing the button or establishes time, and in the installation menu (with 4 on 12) marking of sample-14-is established.

The made installations are remembered and immediately carried out.

If installation menus were passed all, base indication of system «Individual installation»-1-is again displayed.

The pressing of the button displays the following system.

Installations can be made only at a stop of the car or at small speed of movement. At excess of the specified speed of movement base indication of system «Individual installation»-1-is displayed.

If after that other system is not caused, again there is before a caused menu of installation as soon as the car stopped or at small speed of movement.

Dumping of the menu of installation (from 4 to 12) on factory installation:

Cause base indication of system «Individual installation»-1-.

The button R on a control panel press about 3 seconds. There is an indication-13-.

Repeatedly press the button R. If the button R is not pressed, approximately in 5 seconds there is a base indication of system «Individual installation»-1-. In this case menus of installation are not dumped.

Volume control

Nazhimaniye of the button:

increase in loudness
loudness reduction

Loudness only the activated or chosen system is regulated. Them are sound systems, phone, notification radio service about a situation on highways, a speech conclusion of navigation system and a speech conclusion of system of voice-activated control of "Lingvatronic".

Volume control is remembered separately for each system.
