Mercedes S-Class W-220

since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

W220 Mercedes
+ Mercedes-Benz Cars of a class S (W220)
+ Operation manual
- Routine maintenance
   Active system of the prevention of term of approach planned THAT (ASSYST)
   Schedule of routine maintenance
   General information on control
   Check of levels of liquids, control of leaks
   Check of a condition of tires and pressure in them. Designation of tires and disks of wheels. Rotation and replacement of wheels
   Replacement of impellent oil and oil filter
   Check of brake system
   Check of fuel system
   Check of a condition and replacement of hoses of an impellent compartment, localization of leaks
   Check of a condition of ridge belts of a streaming drive of auxiliary units
   Check of functioning of system of cooling and frost resistance of cooling liquid. Liquid replacement
   Check of a condition of system of production of the fulfilled gases
   Check of level of oil of automatic transmission
   Visual check of tightness of automatic transmission
   Condition check suspension bracket and steering component
   Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
   Check of level of liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel
   Check of central air of air
   Greasing of limiters of doors and lock cylinder
   Visual control of a seat belt and safety cushion block
   Check of operability of headlights and horn
   Condition check, adjustment and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Check of a condition of the battery, care of it and charging
   Replacement of an element of the filter of air of salon / coal filter of purification of air
   Replacement of brake liquid
   Check and replacement of spark plugs. Check of a condition of high-voltage wires
+ Engine
+ cooling and heating Systems
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ Automatic transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ electric equipment Cхемы

Schedule of routine maintenance

Impellent compartment. S600 models

1 — the Tank of washers of glasses and headlights
2 — the Broad tank

3 — Shchup for measurement of level of impellent oil
4 — the Tank of brake liquid

View from the bottom party. Forward part. Protection of a case 2 is established

1 — Steering drafts
2 — Protection of a case

3 — the Bottom levers

View from the bottom party. Forward part. Protection of a case is removed

1 — Reechny the steering mechanism
2 — the Bar of the stabilizer of cross-section stability

In, From the direction of turn of a key at a tightening of hydraulic lines of a damper of a steering

View from the bottom party. Back part

1 — the Left forward board
2 — the Right forward board
3 — the Right back board
4 — the Left back board
5 — an exhaust silencer Board

6 — the Board of brake and fuel lines
7 — the Board of the transmission line
B65/1 — Nizhny the temperature sensor of the car
2 — the Preliminary exhaust silencer

Impellent compartment. Models of S500 1999 g of release

Impellent compartment. Models of S500 2000 g of release

Offered recommendations assume independent performance of procedures of service of the car it the owner unlike the works which are carried out at car repair shop of representation office of the DAIMLER-BENZ company. Though this schedule is made on the basis of manufacturer recommendations, intervals between the majority of procedures, at the discretion of the owner of the car, it is possible to reduce, for example, check and replacement of greasings and liquids should be made with the intervals providing the maximum service life of the engine or a drive. Besides, if the owner of the car is interested in supporting it in a condition of the maximum readiness for operation on a case of the possible resale, many procedures can be carried out more often. We only welcome a similar initiative.

Initial service and check of the new car should be made at car repair shop of representation office of firm for the purpose of performance of conditions of the guarantee certificate. Such check is made free of charge.

Replacement of impellent oil and accompanying works (each 9000 km of run or once a year)

Make replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter, modify oil level, check levels of working liquids in tanks of an impellent compartment.

List A: Procedure is carried out in case run from the moment of performance of the last service according to the list B makes less than 22 000 km.

List B: Procedure is carried out in case run from the moment of performance of the last service according to the list B makes more than 22 000 km.

Primary service is made according to the list B.


Check serviceability of functioning of the parking brake and reliability of keeping by it the car on a bias.


(And and In) Check serviceability of functioning of the following devices:

· Systems of a call of the help of TeleAid;
· Sound and light signals, alarm system and indexes of turns;
· Control lamps, illumination and internal lighting;
· External lighting devices;
· Screen wipers;
· Stekloomyvateli (including washers of headlights);
(And and In) Check serviceability and a condition of seat belts.

(And and In) Null the counter of intervals of planned maintenance (FSS) on an instrument guard.

(В) Replace the filter of purification of air of system of heating and ventilation


(А) Modify pressure of a rating of tires.
(B) Remove wheels and check residual thickness of frictional overlays of brake shoes.
(В) Estimate a condition of brake disks.
(B) Make replacement/rotation of wheels (all four wheels should be one standard size).
(B) Check a condition of tires and measure residual depth of a protector.


Check the elements located under the bottom on leaks.

Check a condition and correctness of laying of hydraulic and fuel lines.

Check a condition of spherical support and saylent-blocks.

Estimate degree of wear of components of a steering drive (люфты).


(В) Check the elements located in an impellent compartment on existence of signs of leaks.
(В) Check a condition and correctness of laying of hydraulic and fuel lines.
(And and In) Make replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter.

Check levels of all working liquids:

(And and In) cooling Systems;
(And and In) Brake system;
(And and In) Stekloomyvateley;
(В) Systems of hydrostrengthening of a wheel.
(В) Road clearance adjustments;
(В) Check a condition of driving belts;
(В) Replace the dustproof filter (without a coal element).
(And and In) Check work of a latch of the lock of a cowl.


Check correctness of adjustment of optical axes of headlights, in case of need make the corresponding adjustment.

Replace working elements of brushes of screen wipers (including cleaners of headlights).


(В) Check electrolit level in the battery.
(А) Check pressure of a rating of the tire of a spare wheel.

Each 2 years

Replace brake liquid. Check a condition of a paint and varnish covering, components of the chassis bearing and basic body elements.

Each 3 years

Replace cooling liquid. Clear and grease directing a trench and ползуны covers of the top hatch. Replace the additional battery of system of a call of the help of TeleAid.

Each 5 years or 96 000 km

Replace spark plugs (Engine 137).

Each 5 years or 160 000 km

Replace spark plugs (Engines 112, 113).

Each 80 000 km (4 years)

Check a condition of elastic couplings of the driveshaft.

Each 96 000 km (4 years)

Check consolidation of a toplivozalivny mouth, at damage replace. Replace the fuel filter, an element of the air filter of the engine.

Each 96 000 km (5 years)

Replace the coal filter of purification of air of salon.

Cowl of an impellent compartment

Handle of 1 opening of a cowl of an impellent compartment

There is a danger of a travmirovaniye!

At an open cowl and the working engine there is a danger of a travmirovaniye.

After switching off of the engine possibly rotation of blades of the electrofan of a radiator within about 30 seconds.

The engine is equipped with electronic system of ignition. In view of a high voltage of system of ignition it is very dangerous to touch elements of system of ignition (the ignition coil, the ignition distributor, a wire of a high voltage, tips of spark plugs, the control socket):

· at the working engine,
· at start of the engine,
· when the electronic key in the lock of ignition is in situation 2 and at an engine provorachivaniye a hand.


Rychazhok pull in the arrow direction - the cowl is released.

There is a danger of failure!

Do not operate a blocking rychazhok during movement. Otherwise the cowl can open.

Impellent compartment

The handle-2-extend from facing of a radiator and open a cowl — do not lift for the handle.

Watch that levers of a screen wiper were not in the cast-away situation.


Slam a cowl. Thus hold hands only edges-3-.

If the cowl was not fixed, open it once again and slam with bigger force.
