Mercedes S-Class W-220

since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

W220 Mercedes
+ Mercedes-Benz Cars of a class S (W220)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
- Cooling and heating systems
   + cooling System
   - Systems of ventilation, heating and air conditioning
      Air central air - the general information and precautionary measures
      Arrangement of the basic electric elements of central air of air
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ Automatic transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ electric equipment Cхемы

Air central air - the general information and precautionary measures

Function chart of a contour of KV

1 — the Face cover
2 — the Broad tank
3 — the Radiator
4 — the Thermostat
5 — the Water pump
6 — the oil filter Equipped with the heat exchanger
7 — the Ventilating line
8 — the heater Heat exchanger
And — Return of cooling liquid
In — Supply of cooling liquid
With — the Ventilating line
D — the Mode of a short contour
Е — the Combined mode
F — Ventilyatorny a mode
M — the Motor
S — the Tank of liquid of washing of a windscreen

А31m1 — the Water pump
А31y1 — the Left dual valve
А31y2 — the Right dual valve

On models with the back conditioner of air (code 528)
9 — the heater Heat exchanger
А31 1m1 — the Water pump
А31 1y1 — the Left dual valve
А31 1y2 — the Right dual valve

Management of KV on temperature

Signatures belong and to drawings below.
A1 — the Control panel
A9 — the To/in Compressor
A31 — the Block of delivery of system of heating (including the circulating pump of a cooler both the right and left double valves)
A31/1 — the Power unit of the back strengthened heater
A31/1m1 — the Circulating pump of cooling liquid
A31/1y1 — the Left double valve
A31/1y2 — the Right double valve
A32 — the Block of circulation of system of heating
B10/2 — the Sensor of temperature of the left heater
B10/3 — the Sensor of temperature of the right heater
B10/6 — the Sensor of temperature of the evaporator
B10/09 — the Sensor of temperature of the left heater back To/in
B10/10 — the Sensor of temperature of the right heater back To/in
B10/11 — the Sensor of temperature of the evaporator back To/in
B11/4 — the Sensor of temperature of cooling liquid
B12 — the Sensor of pressure of a coolant
B12/1 — the Sensor of temperature of a coolant
B14 — the Sensor of external temperature
B32/2 — the Sensor of management of additional air (AAC)
K40/7 — the Forward right block of the relay and safety locks
M2/1 — Back produvny the motor
M4/3 — the Blown fan (engine/AAC)
M16/22 — the Motor of a drive of distribution of ascending and descending air streams
N3 — the Control unit of continuous injection of fuel (CFI)
N10/6 — Forward left SAM
N10/7 — Forward right SAM
N22 — the Control unit of the button of switching off of AAS
N22/b1 — the Sensor of temperature of salon in the control unit of the button of switching off of AAC

N22/4 — the Control unit back To/in
N22/5 — the Electronic control unit the step-by-step motor
N29/2 — the Regulator of a purge back To/in
N70/b1 — the Sensor of temperature of salon in the control unit of the top console
N76 — the Control unit the fan of the engine and To/in
Y67 — the Valve of switching off of a coolant back To/in
M10/3 — the Motor of a drive of the left forward window regulator
M10/4 — the Motor of a drive of the right forward window regulator
M10/5 — the Motor of a drive of the left back window regulator
M10/6 — the Motor of a drive of the right back window regulator
M12/1 — the Drive of the top hatch
N69/1 — the Control unit of the left forward door
N69/2 — the Control unit of the right forward door
N69/3 — the Control unit of the left back door
N69/4 — the Control unit of the right back door
N70 — the Control unit of the top console

Management of the KV refrigerator compressor (interpretation of designations is given above)

Management of the fan of system of cooling/KV (interpretation of designations is given above)

Management in temperature (interpretation of designations is given above)

Management of blocking of systems of comfort (interpretation of designations is given above)

Central air of air consists of the condenser located before a radiator of system of cooling, the evaporator close to the heat exchanger of a heater, the compressor given by a driving belt, a receiver / dehumidifier, and also the various tubes connecting components listed above. On an entrance of the evaporator the zaslonka providing pressure difference, necessary for system work is established.

The fan submits warm air from salon to the evaporator (analog of a radiator) where heat of air is transferred to a coolant. Thus the coolant evaporates and leaves the evaporator.

Schemes of the devices interconnected with KV and components are presented on illustrations.

The system is under pressure. Do not try to disconnect any tubes concerning central air of air, previously without having removed from it working liquid. Liquid removal from system — rather difficult operation which should be carried out at service station. In system there is a R134a type coolant. Be convinced that at station there is necessary for this purpose such as a coolant an equipment. Use goggles, disconnecting system tubes.

If on your car air central air is established, at carrying out service of its any component observe the following precautionary measures:

a) The coolant of R134a which is using now, is much less aggressive, than a coolant of the R12 type used earlier. Nevertheless, it is very hazardous to health. Do not allow its hit in eyes or on skin — you can burn. Though it also is not toxic, its pairs can cause asthma — do not delete it from system, being indoors. Its pair it is heavier some air therefore are not under the car at its removal from system.
b) Do not allow contact паров a coolant with open fire. At its combustion poisonous gas is allocated. The gas mixed with air in a certain proportion, can become explosive. Steam inhalation through the lit cigaret can lead to tragic consequences.
c) Do not allow coolant hit in the atmosphere. Unlike R12 the coolant of the R134а type does not cause destruction of an ozone layer, but leads to emergence of greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.
d) In system the consolidations made of a special material, intended for work with the set type of a coolant (for R134а — green color) are used. Casually not to mix various types of coolants, for filling of a certain type of a coolant adapters are used a certain type.
e) The discharge of system should be carried out on HUNDRED Daimler-Benz.
f) Before carrying out any works connected with heating of any knots of the car (welding, the soldering, drying after painting), discharge system. To discharge system it is also necessary before carrying out service any of knots of central air of air.
