Mercedes S-Class W-220

since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

W220 Mercedes
+ Mercedes-Benz Cars of a class S (W220)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ cooling and heating Systems
+ Power supply system and release
+ engine Electric equipment
+ Automatic transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
- Body
   Security measures at carrying out body works
   Cleaning and care of the car
   Repair of insignificant damages of body panels
   Repair of considerable damages of a body
   Replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Orthopedic seats
   Heating of seats
   Replacement of the filter of purification of air of salon
   Sensors of electric systems
   Fire extinguishing system
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ electric equipment Cхемы

Cleaning and care of the car

During operation your car is exposed to the most various external influences. Weather conditions, a road condition concern them, influences of sea air and industrial emissions.

These circumstances demand periodic care of a body, and also of the car bottom.

Damages from blows of stones and pollution — for example, the remains of insects, a bird's dung, wood pitches, traces of oil, fat and fuel — eliminate as soon as possible.

We chose means for leaving and developed for you recommendations which are specially calculated on our cars and constantly develop, adapting to modern level of equipment.

For care of MB firm cars you can get means at any Mercedes-Benz station.

Scratches, aggressive deposits, corrosions and the damages caused by irregular or wrong leaving, not always it is possible to remove with means recommended below. In such cases it is best of all to address on Mercedes-Benz station.

There is a danger of poisoning!

Surely observe the instruction on application of used means on leaving.

Always store means on leaving in the closed condition and in a place inaccessible to children.

Environmental protection!

It is necessary to delete the emptied capacities used at cleaning napkins made of cloth and polishing cotton wool according to environmental protection requirements.

In the below-mentioned review are provided the list of the major works on leaving and recommended for this means for care of Mercedes-Benz firm cars.

Wash of the engine

Application of means for cleaning, as a rule, any more is not required.

Cleaning make the device for a car wash a water stream under a high pressure or a vapor jet, thus avoid a direct hit of a stream of water on the generator — if necessary it is necessary to cover the generator.

Wash of the car

· MB firm autoshampoo

Do not wash the car on the sun.

Then carefully wash a water stream. An entrance opening of ventilating system process only weak stream of water. Use a plentiful quantity of water. Often rinse a sponge and suede. Wash away shampoo from the car pure water, carefully wipe suede.

In the winter as soon as possible and more carefully delete the salt remains for посыпки it is expensive.

At a sink of the bottom of the car do not forget inside of wheels.

At strong pollution before a sink in automatic installation carrying out preliminary cleaning of the car is recommended.

After a wash of the car in washing installation watch that mirrors were put completely forward outside, differently they can vibrate.

Bitumen spots

· Autocleaner of bitumen spots of MB firm.

It is necessary to remove bitumen spots as soon as possible, removal of old bitumen spots inconveniently.

The remains of insects moisten with autoshampoo solution.

Apply before a wash of the car.

The paint and varnish covering, the details established on the car with a paint and varnish covering

· Preserving a MB firm autopolyrole, a MB firm polyrole, a cleaner of paint and varnish coverings of MB firm polishing cotton wool of MB firm

Do not apply directly on the sun or on not cooled down cowl.

Preserving the autopolyrole of MB firm is protected by a paint and varnish covering and keeps its shine.

Polyrole of MB firm apply at strong pollution.

The polyrole of MB firm is used also for elimination of small scratches on the wooden details varnished.

The cleaner of paint and varnish coverings of MB firm is applied to cleaning of old and weather-beaten paint and varnish coverings.

· Polishing paste of MB firm

For polishing of strongly polluted and weather-beaten paint and varnish coverings, and also for elimination of small scratches by polishing.

For prevention of formation of spots watch that means did not adjoin to the details established on the car (for example, handles of doors, rubber laying).

Lakirovochny pencil of MB firm, MB firm spray

For fast temporary elimination of small damages of a paint and varnish covering.

Regularly charge to one of Mercedes-Benz stations monitoring procedure of a paint and varnish covering of your car on small damages.

Decorative details

· Means for care of the chromeplated details of MB firm

It is applied to the current leaving.

Wheels with disks from an easy alloy

· MB firm autoshampoo, a cleaner ля disks from an easy alloy of MB firm.

Disks from an easy alloy whenever possible clear once a week. Apply for this purpose a soft sponge, a large amount of warm water and MB firm autoshampoo.

If it is not enough of it, use a cleaner for wheels from an easy alloy of MB firm.

Observe "Application guide".

We recommend to apply MB firm cleaners. Kisloto-and shchelochesoderzhashchy cleaners can cause corrosion of bolts of fastening of wheels or holding springs balancing грузиков.

Headlights, back lamps, lamps of the additional index of turn

· MB firm autoshampoo, an autocleaner of glasses of MB firm, means for removal of the remains of insects of MB firm

Apply for this purpose a soft sponge, a large amount of warm water and MB firm autoshampoo.

At strong pollution apply an autocleaner of glasses of MB firm or means to removal of the remains of insects of MB firm.

Do not rub and do not scrape plastic rasseivatel, do not subject them to strong pressure.

Do not apply a sponge to removal of the remains of mosquitoes or solvent (fuel, a thinner etc.).

Cleaning of sensors of Parktronic system on bumpers

Cleaning of the polluted sensors-1-make pure water or water with an additive of autoshampoo of MB firm.

At application of steam-ejecting installations or water jet washing high-pressure apparatuses make only short-term cleaning of sensors, observing the minimum distance in 10 cm between an exit of a nozzle and the sensor.

In order to avoid scratches do not apply dry, rough or rigid napkins made of cloth, do not rub, do not scrape and do not put upon sensors pressure.

Cleaning of a cover of Distronic system in a front grille

Cleaning of the polluted cover-1-make pure water or water with an additive of autoshampoo of MB firm.

In order to avoid scratches do not apply dry, rough or rigid napkins made of cloth, do not rub and do not scrape.

Sink of glasses

· Autocleaner of glasses of MB firm

Regularly make purification of glasses by an autocleaner of glasses of MB firm.

Suits as well plastic rasseivatel.

Stekloomyvayushchey means of MB firm (apply only from the outer side)

It is applied in case of strong pollution of glasses, including oils and fats.

Do not apply to plastic rasseivatel.

Stains on a windscreen after an automatic wash of the car can be avoided, having removed wax from a windscreen and from rubber elements of brushes of a screen wiper by means of an autocleaner of glasses of MB firm or steklomoyushchy means of MB firm.

Screen wiper brush

Rubber element of a screen wiper clear a napkin made of cloth and detergent solution, replace a rubber element of one-two time a year.

Steering wheel, gear shifting lever

· MB firm autoshampoo

Wipe a damp napkin made of cloth and wipe dry.

Control panel

· MB firm autoshampoo

· An autocleaner of glasses of MB firm with effect of counteraction a zapotevaniya, neutral means for a sink of ware or solution of neutral washing means

Wipe the napkin humidified with warm solution made of cloth which is not leaving fibers. Do not apply using-up means.

Plastic and rubber details

· MB firm autoshampoo

· Autocleaner of plastic of MB firm

Do not apply any other means, do not rub a detail with oil or wax.

The holder for drinks

The holder for drinks do not process chemical cleaners, but only pure, warm water.

For simplification of cleaning the holder for drinks between forward seats it is possible to extend up in the closed condition.

Upholstery of a ceiling of a roof of the car

· Cleaner of upholsteries of MB firm made of cloth

Brush, and in case of strong pollution — with application of dry foam.

Seat belts

· Cleaner of upholsteries of MB firm made of cloth

When cleaning tapes of seat belts do not apply chemical cleaners but only pure, warm water and soap, do not dry at temperature above 80°С or by direct influence of sunlight, do not bleach and do not recolour belts. It can affect their working condition.

Upholstery of seats

Owing to contact to painting fur covers or clothes (for example, suede) color of an upholstery of seats can change. It is impossible to deduce such spots. At application of a suitable lining of such changes of color of an upholstery it is possible to avoid.

Upholstery of seats made of cloth

· MB firm autoshampoo, cleaner of upholsteries of MB firm made of cloth, MB firm spot remover

Often brush also the vacuum cleaner. In case of strong pollution make cleaning by dry foam.

Leather upholstery of seats

· MB firm autoshampoo, cleaner of upholsteries of MB firm made of cloth

Wipe a leather upholstery of seats a damp napkin and wipe dry. It is impossible to allow promokaniye of a reverse side of the punched skin. Therefore it should be cleaned with extra care.

Means for leaving and in quality an anti-electrostatics.

Refrigerating boxing

Completely remove thawed snow. To a washing of a cavity of refrigerating boxing apply only neutral economic detergent. After a sink wipe dry. Sealing laying of a cover wipe a damp napkin made of cloth, thus watch that water did not get to isolation of a cover.
